

CVSA's Week-Long Inspection BLITZ

Here is what you need to know.....

First things first, the blitz has been rescheduled for September 9th thru the 11th focusing on brake safety. Here is what we suggest doing and checking as soon as possible...
  • Check your brakes and drums for wear and cracks. 
  • Check your wheel seals for leaks
  • Make sure all your tires are sufficient.
  • Make sure your brakes are properly adjusted and that your slack adjusters are doing the job they were designed to do.
Below we have linked the CVSA's roadside inspection vehicle cheat sheet.
Cheat Sheet


HR6104 a bill before Congress 

We are asking our members to request that their member of Congress cosponsor HR6104, the BOST-Craig Truck Parking Safety Improvement Act. It is imperative that if you want to see change, you need to be part of the change. Please make the call.
Download Bill

Hours of service exemption Letter (HOS)

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